FREE IT Resources!

Unlock your potential with

Want to dive into the world of IT and explore new possibilities but are not ready to invest, We've got you covered! Our collection of free IT resources empowers you with valuable knowledge and practical skills.

Don't underestimate these freebies. Packed with expert-led lectures, informative webinars, and interactive tutorials, they cover a wide range of topics like:

  • DevOps fundamentals

  • Cloud computing essentials

  • Network troubleshooting

  • Kubernetes prepration

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, you'll find something to boost your skills and explore exciting career paths.

Ready to start learning? Dive into our free resources and see how even a little knowledge can go a long way.

Learn & Grow:

A Tech Exploration During Ramadan

BAZTechKnow is offering 4 FREE live sessions covering some of the most in-demand tech skills, perfect for anyone looking to upskill, explore new career paths, or simply stay ahead of the curve.

  • Session 1: Cloud Computing (First Week) - Discover the power of cloud technologies and how they can revolutionize your approach to software and data management.

  • Session 2: DevOps (Second Week) - Learn how to streamline your development process with DevOps practices, leading to faster deployments and increased efficiency.

  • Session 3: Internet Protocol (IP) (Third Week) - Understand the foundation of IP networks and explore strategies for Internet

  • Session 4: Emerging Technologies (Fourth Week) - Explore the cutting edge with topics like 5G and Artificial Intelligence, and discover their potential impact on various industries.

Join us now and share this with your friends!

Session 01: Cloud Computing
Session 02: DevOps!

Recordings of Ramadan Tech Exploration Sessions

Session 03: Internet Protocol (IP)
Session 04: Emerging Technologies

TechBridge Community Learning

TechBridge community is an initiative by BAZTechKnow to empower and educate the community through learning and collaboration. We wanted to create an opportunity for people from all walks of life to learn about the tech industry and gain the skills they need to succeed.

Registration Link

BAZ Lounge

Mentoring Sessions under BAZ Lounge

  • Developing a strategy for your team's learning and development (SME Business Owner, Team Heads)

  • Learn or Talk about any subject to have a better understanding (Anyone, Technical guy or Non-Techy)

  • Career guidance is available for students! (Graduates or Under-Grads)

You may avail this :

Linux Essentials

Jenkins on AWS EC2

Kubernetes Engine | Google Cloud

What is Cloud Native

DevOps Essential Lectures


IPv6 Explained

Common Routing problems of IP networks

Cloud Networking Essentials

IOT | 5G | AI

IOT |5G | Cloud

5G-Future of connectivity

Every step counts towards your Career goals, and BAZTechKnow is here to support you every step of the way.