Are you looking for uplifting your CAREER or a field change?

Heard about DevOps field ... but still not sure!

Here is DevOps Bootcamp for YOU!


Key Learning Outcomes

Linux part in DevOps Bootcamp
Linux part in DevOps Bootcamp
Git part in DevOps Bootcamp
Git part in DevOps Bootcamp

Git Version Control:

Master Git workflows, from creating repositories to branching, merging, and collaboration.

Jenkins part in DevOps Bootcamp
Jenkins part in DevOps Bootcamp
Ansible part in DevOps Bootcamp
Ansible part in DevOps Bootcamp
Docker part in DevOps Bootcamp
Docker part in DevOps Bootcamp

Docker Containerization:

Package your applications into portable, self-contained Docker containers for consistent and efficient deployments.

Kubernetes part in DevOps Bootcamp
Kubernetes part in DevOps Bootcamp

Kubernetes Container Orchestration:

Deploy and manage containerized applications at scale using the industry-standard Kubernetes platform.

Linux Fundamentals:

Command the power of the open-source operating system, navigating the shell and essential commands.

Ansible Infrastructure Automation:

Configure and manage your infrastructure with Ansible playbooks, automating repetitive tasks and ensuring consistenc

Jenkins Pipeline Automation:

Automate build, test, and deployment processes using Jenkins, the leading CI/CD tool

Upskill & Launch Your Career

2-Day DevOps Bootcamp

Upskill & Launch Your Career

2-Day DevOps Bootcamp

DevOps Curiosity?

Explore the Possibilities in this Bootcamp 40$ to master DevOps Tools with hands-On Labs.

Get your seat reserved!

DevOps Bootcamp
8 hours extensive learning
& hands on lab

BAZTechKnow offers you this intensive bootcamp that equips you with the essential skills and tools to thrive in the dynamic world of DevOps. Through a blend of 80% practical hands-on exercises and 20% insightful theory,

You’ll gain hands-on experience of Linux, Git, Jenkins, Docker and Kubernetes.

Good News for You!

You are eligible for 1-on-1 Consultancy Session for FREE,

If you have completed registered for Bootcamp!

How to learn DevOps from scratch step by step

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