DevOps Full Course

Here is the curriculum of the course including, but not limited to;


  • Introduction

  • Differences between Windows, OS X, and Linux

  • Installation

  • File system

  • Linux Basic Commands

  • Shell scripting

  • Directory structure/permission

  • System monitoring tools

  • Services

  • Rpm / yum


  • Version Control System

  • Git Introduction

  • Installation of Git

  • Configuration of Git

  • Local Repository

  • Initializing Git Repository

  • Git Basic Example

  • Git branch, Git Merge

  • Git Diff

  • Git Clone

  • Securing Git using ssh-keys

  • Git Remote Repository

  • GitHub Detailed Walkthrough


  • Introduction to Docker

  • Install & Setup Docker on Linux

  • Remove, Downgrade, Upgrade

  • Storage & Logging driver

  • Docker Registry

  • Docker Images

  • Docker Containers

  • Dockerfile

  • Docker Compose

  • Docker Swarm

  • Docker Networking

  • Docker Services

  • Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes


  • Kubernetes and its importance

  • Background & future

  • Need of Kubernetes & Big picture

  • What is Kubernetes for

  • Micro-services, What, Why and How

  • Containerisation and Kubernetes

  • Docker and Container Lifecycle

  • Working with Docker images

Kubernetes Walkthrough

  • Architecture of Kubernetes

  • Cluster Architecture

  • Kubernetes core concepts

  • Overview of other installations’ options

  • Kubernetes API primitives

Application Environment, Configuration

  • Pods, labels/selectors, replication controllers, services, API
    Services and other network primitives
    Deployments, jobs, and services

  • Declarative vs imperative mode

  • Getting Started with YAML

  • Interacting with kubectl

Observability & Maintenance

  • Pods health checks

  • Readiness/Liveness Probe

  • Understand how to monitor applications.

  • Manage application logs.

  • Use label selectors to schedule Pods.

  • Understand how resource limits

Application Deployment & Lifecycle Management

  • Understand Deployments and how to perform rolling updates and rollbacks.

  • Know various ways to configure applications.

  • Know how to scale applications.

  • Understand the primitives necessary to create a self- healing application.

Storage / Persistence

  • Understand persistent volumes and know how to create them.

  • Understand access modes for volumes.

  • Understand persistent volume claims primitive.

  • Understand Kubernetes storage objects.

  • Know how to configure applications with persistent storage.

Services & Networking

  • Services Know how

  • Understand the networking configuration on the cluster nodes.
    Understand Pod networking concepts.

  • Understand service networking.

  • Deploy and configure network load balancer.

  • Know how to use Ingress rules.

Troubleshooting Best Practices

  • Troubleshoot application failure.

  • Troubleshoot control/worker plane failure.

  • Troubleshoot networking.


  • Introduction

  • Download and Install Jenkins

  • Jenkins Configuration

  • Jenkins Plugins

  • Security Management

  • Freestyle jobs

  • Integration of Jenkins with GIT

  • Build Web via Code

  • Building a Jenkins Pipeline (CI/CD)


  1. About Ansible

  2. How to Install Ansible

  3. Configuring SSH and Sudo for Ansible

  4. The Ansible Configuration File

  5. Setting Up the Ansible Inventory

  6. The Ansible Command

  7. The Shell and Command Modules

  8. Ansible course summary

FAQ's DevOps

1. What are the prerequisites for this course?

Basic understanding of computers and internet is helpful. No prior coding experience required.

2. Is this course for beginners or experienced professionals?

This course is designed for both beginners and those wanting to transition into DevOps roles. The modules cover both essentials and advanced topics.

3. What skills will I learn in this course?

You'll gain hands-on experience with key DevOps tools like Git, GitHub, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, and Jenkins. You'll also learn DevOps fundamentals, best practices, and how to integrate DevOps into Agile methodologies.

4. What type of projects will I work on?

The course includes 8+ real-life projects focused on applying DevOps tools and principles to solve practical problems.

5. How does interactive learning work?

You'll participate in instructor-led live online sessions, engage in discussions, and have access to a high-quality lab environment for hands-on practice.

6. What are the benefits of completing this course?

Gain the skills and knowledge to successfully implement DevOps practices, improve organizational efficiency, and accelerate software delivery. This course can help you advance your career or transition into DevOps roles.

7. How long is the course?

The course includes 32+ hours of intensive learning spread across various modules.

8. How do I enroll?

Schedule a free consultation to discuss your goals and get a personalized course ready for you, Also you can contact us for more information and enrollment options for group training schedules.